Themebuilders provides technical design and production for Land of Legends
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July 27, 2020
Have a look at the theming done by Themebuilders Philippines Inc. last 2019 for “Land of Legends”, the newest attraction of Bobbejaanland. Through our excellent craftsmanship, we made the amazing designs of Leisure Expert Group come to life.
Themebuilders was responsible for the Technical Design, Production and Installation of the Theming of this new area. The ride station of Fury from Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GmbH was completely themed as a Castle Ruin and made from our patented fire-resistant material Polyte™.
Let us know how we can turn your theming project into reality. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email: info@themebuildersphils.com.